Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

Hello all,

Scott is having his 14th chemo treatment this week - only 3 more to go after this! He's inpatient at UMH this week and getting to see the nurses he likes so much. His Beloved Brenda has been his Nursing Assistant for the past two days, so that made him happy. When I saw her tonight, she reminded me I still have to share Scott with her. :)

Whenever I leave after visiting him during an inpatient treatment, he walks me to the elevators (IV pole and all) and I give him one more kiss before I leave. If the nurses are at the station when we walk by, I usually make a joke about trying to bust him outta there.

Tonight, though, when I got into the elevator, there were two woman already in it and one of them was clearly trying to fight back her own tears from saying goodbye to her loved one. She watched me kiss Scott goodnight and get into the elevator, and I glanced at her sympathetically. Even through her pain, she said to me "everything is going to be ok". I smiled and said "I know", and I told her that Scott and I say "Just Keep Swimming". I asked her if she'd seen the movie Finding Nemo and was familiar with the part where Dory sings "Just Keeping Swimming" and she yes. She said "It's funny, I never thought of it that way before". We were riding down 11 floors in a hospital elevator - and that takes awhile with all the stops - so we were silent the rest of the way. I got off on the floor above hers and we both looked at each other as I walked out and she said "Thank you and God Bless you". I said "Same to you and remember to just keep swimming" and that was it - we went separate ways.

I will probably never cross paths with that woman again, and can only hope and pray that her loved one has the good prognosis Scott has, but that moment was such a profound little moment that had a big impact - an understanding between two people caring and hoping for their loved one to recover and how important is to be strong and share at least a little piece of encouragement when you can. It struck me so much, that I didn't start crying until I walked out of the elevator, and that little profound moment reminded me of the levity of this situation. It's become so routine in many ways - it's been almost 8 months and Scott has made it so far - I sometimes forget that he's fighting for his life. He's so lucky to have the prognosis he has, and it's overwhelmingly humbling when I think about the people that don't. I cried for all those people, and us - but only for a little bit - because I know things will get better soon.

Just a little reminder to everyone to appreciate those little profound moments that are moving - and to take a minute to smile and be encouraging to someone - it can make a bigger difference than you think.

And with that, I'll leave you with a video clip on Dory's view of what to do "when life get's you down" - Just Keep Swimming :)

Love to you all,


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