Friday, March 30, 2012

This week's chemo is done

Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that Scott is done with the week's chemo and it went fine.  He had a transfusion today, so hopefully that will get his hemoglobin back up and help his energy level.

During the week, Scott also had a CT scan of his brain.  The results were normal, thankfully!  The reason he had to have it is because he's experiencing some numbness on the left side of his chin, lip, teeth and gums.  It's in a small area, but it was concerning to his Doctor because it could have been a sign of neurological problems as a result of a metastases to his brain.  They needed to rule that out so they can move on and try to determine the cause of the numbness.  He is also losing some of his motor control is his right index finger.  His Doctor thinks that could also be like his elbow - a result of having to put so much pressure on his arms and upper body to get up and walk with the walker.  We see his Doctor again on April 16th, where I'm sure we'll discuss how to determine what's causing the numbness, but if anything else comes up about that before then, I'll let you know.

Today is Scott and I's 4th Wedding Anniversary.  Happy Anniversary! This is the second anniversary that we've had to spend with him having chemo, but we will hopefully make up for it soon.

We're preparing for a difficult week of side effects, but hopefully after next weekend they will start to clear. After that, Scott should be up for visitors again. 

Oliver has been having some tummy troubles the past couple days and today I tried to give him some Pepto Bismol - I thought I'd share with you a picture of a very unhappy, pink-mouthed puppy after unsuccesfully getting him to swallow some.  (I couldn't help but to laugh!)

While I'm sharing pictures, I don't think I ever posted this wonderful pic of Scott and two of his nephews, Jeremy (left) and Parker (right).  It's such a cute picture, and a rare one lately - he doesn't like to have his picture taken. 

In fact, one of the only other times he's let me take his pic lately was when he got to meet his third nephew, Wade (this picture is from last July). I guess Nephews are special enough to break his rule. :) 

Have a happy weekend everybody.  As always, thank you so much for your prayers and positive thoughts.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, we are so thankful that the brain scan was clear! It is also good to see some pictures too. Hope the side effects are manageable. As for Oliver, well, nothing surprises me with him.
    LYB BnB
    Greg & Joan
