Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello from the last inpatient treatment!

Hello everyone - I'm happy to say that the last inpatient treatment is under way. It's very bittersweet because we love to see our friends here at 11 North. They really are Angels! Scott is so happy to be almost done.

We met with his Dr. & PA this morning, and things are fairly "status quo". Scott is having some pain again in the site of the tumor, and because of that, he had a CT scan last week. There are no changes in the tumor or the bone, so they aren't sure what's causing the pain - it could be the tumor is inflamed or aggravated in some way. They aren't worried about it right now, so we'll see how radiation goes.

Speaking of radiation, they said we'll schedule an appointment after his last chemo treatment on 11/7 to discuss the plan - radiation or surgery & if radiation is still the plan, how that's going to work. So, we'll probably have more information on all of that in mid November.

You know I like to leave you guys with a smile, so here are some pics of the hat Scott has been wearing in the hospital - his Spock hat! Our friend Maevan made this for him. All the nurses get such a kick out of it & I thought you would, too.

We hope everyone is doing well - love & hugs to all!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys! I just saw Dr. Fernandez and he told me the happy news that today is Scott's last chemo tx. YYeeaaaAhhhh!

    I wish you nothing but the best to you both and your doggies! And remember, I'll always be here if you need anything! Take care!

