Thursday, March 24, 2011

First In-Patient Treatment – Day 4

Well, I am almost done.  In a little more than 24 hours, I’ll be able to get out of here and head home.  I cannot wait.  It’s really not that bad here.  The food is ok (I actually have an appetite), and I love the company and visitors I have, but I wanna go home.

This are going along pretty smoothly.  A little more tired today though.  Don’t have much more to say other than a shower can make you feel worlds better!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.  Love you all.


  1. I'm sure it seems alot faster from outside of the hospital, but wow! Going home tomorrow?! That's great, and I know your pups will be so happy to see you. I can picture the tail wagging bliss! They love their mommy too but theres something about their dad they have a special place in their k9 hearts for. :) Been great chatting with you this week, let's keep it up.

    Love ya,

    Cathy P

  2. As an added bonus, it should be a lot more peaceful when you do get home tomorrow (provided of course TSA doesn’t find Oliver hidden in our carry-on). We are really glad that this phase of your treatment was not as much of a hardship as I think all of us were afraid it might be. Hang in there, 2 down and xx-2 to go.
    Love you, Greg & Joan

  3. Hi Scott, I hope you are feeling ok, I miss you and Amy and the puppies. we will be back soon.

  4. Hey Scott,

    It's your Uncle Steve's ex-wife, Sharon, from California. I know that Steve told you I was reading your blogs, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and so glad to hear that things are progressing and that you're out of the hospital. You sound in good spirits despite all, with excellent doctors and a loving wife by your side.

    Take care, Scoot. I will continue to follow your blog and wish you the best with all of this.


    Sharon (Edelson)
