Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Less than a week to go....

Well, I have less than a week to go until it’s time for my next treatment.  This one’s pretty scary,  This is the first treatment where I am in the hospital for a full week.  I go in on Monday morning (March 21st) at 7 in the morning for bloodwork.  Then, I’ll see the doctor who will admit me.  I’m not sure if I will be staying in the Sylvester Cancer Center or in the hospital, but will be admitted probably around 9 or 10 in the morning.

Not sure what’s gonna happen though.  I know that for 5 days, I will be have chemo treatments everyday followed by lots of IV Hydration.  All the while, they will be monitoring all my vital systems.  Next Friday cannot come soon enough!!  Really kind of scared only because I don’t know what to expect.  Similar to just prior to my last treatment when I didn’t know what to expect.  I’m sure I’ll be fine though.

I’ve been doing pretty well lately.  I’ve been nauseous off an on, but nothing major.  The main thing is the leg pain.  It comes and goes.  Sometimes, it’s serious enough that I need the Percocet, sometimes, I only need Vicodin.  And then there are times (normally throughout the day at work) I can get by just using Excederin Tension (no aspirin allowed).

The other side effect that I have been dreading has finally arrived too.  Last Sunday, I started to lose my hair.  One minute, I’m in the shower, and I’m fine, then about 2 hours later, I can pull it out with my fingers.  Well, that was it for me.  I just don’t think I could take waking up in the morning and finding all my hair still on the pillow.  So off to Supercuts I went.  People there were really nice.  They joked with me about why I was doing it.  Did I lose a bet or something.  Once they found out why though, they were very supportive.  So I got a buzz cut.  And for your enjoyment, I asked Dad to be there to record it with his camera.  He took pictures (before, during and after).

So, for your enjoyment, here are some pics of me get shaved.  I hope you enjoy.  Love you all!!


  1. Hello Scott,

    Actually I like the new look! I am going to do it also (of course it will be a lot easier as I don't have as much hair to start with). Was that a #2 or #3 clipper attachment?

    Love ya and wishing you the best - Greg Lovingfoss

  2. I see now, you were just jealous of my haircut, finally couldn't stand it anymore and had to be like me. i understand, it's ok, i'm flattered.

    Don't worry man it still looks like you, and it will all come back eventually.


  3. I think you look quite handsome! Plus, it puts more focus on those gorgeous eyes. ;)

  4. I think you look more like brothers now (you and Jeric). My kids look alike and aren't they both great!!!!!

    Mom W

  5. Not everyone can pull off the buzz cut, but you're totally working it! :)

    Good to hear from you last night--so glad to know you are hanging in there, and we'll be thinking of you next week during your first in-patient treatment.

    Stay strong!!

    Jess & Ryan

  6. Hi Scott I like your hair like that, you saw my son, that's the way he always looks, i don't know a few tats you can move to the Jersey Shore!
    See you soon, Love Joan

  7. Hey Scott!

    First let me say, I LOVE THE HAIR CUT! I think once the chemo is done, u should keep it that way - not everyone can rock a buzz cut, but you wear it very well :)

    Our thoughts are with you as go through this unfortunate journey. I hope things go as well as they can next week, and hope it's over before you know it. You should get an iphone or ipad so we can play words with friends while you're in the hospital (it's like scrabble), lol.

    Anyway, just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and sending well wishes your way. I been keeping up to date by way of the blog. Stay strong! You'll get through this! Again, if there is anything you need - i'm here (can't afford to buy you that ipad though).

    Love You!


  8. Hi Scott!

    Just wanted to remind you that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you continue on your mission to beat cancer. I know many cancer survivors and they all say that a positive mental attitude is the key. You can do it, Scott.

    By the way, I personally think you look better with you new haircut. I recommend you keep your hair short, even after you're well. Short hair looks good on you.

    Hang in there, buddy! You've got a lot more friends out here pulling for you than you may realize.

